{d38 and d75 were both defined as sale code 8-23-11 bkr} {added fields 6-23-98 bkr} {added exemtion 2-4 11-07-96 bkr} {added abatement yr and 2nd lot desc 10-24-96 bkr} {added tenant reb 9-28-94} {added hm 5-20-93 bkr} {modified csz for zip+4 5-20-93 bkr} {modified curr taxes fr double to float 5-20-93 bkr} database prc file change field dtr type serial field d00 type char 26 {block} index dups field d02 type char 24 {block} index dups field d04 type date {date entered} index dups field d_id2 type composite d00, d04 index dups field d05 type char 25 {remarks new 5-14-89 bkr} field d06{b06} type date {sale date} field d08{b08} type char 35 {grantor} field d09{b09} type char 5 {sale book} field d10{b10} type char 5 {sale page} field d11{b11} type long {sale amount} field d12{b12} type char 2 {sale nu code} field d55 type char 3 {sale ratio - class4 code 6-23-98} field d13{d13} type date {date sent to county} field d14{d14} type integer {field count} field d15{d15} type char 1 {requested action} field d16{d16} type char 1 {print code (not used)} field d17{d17} type char 1 {posted y or n} field d18{d18} type date {printed date} field d20{h45} type integer {list year} field d21{i18} type char 35 {owner name mod fr 30 to 35 3-6-89 bkr} field d22{i19} type char 25 {owner street} field d23{i20} type char 34 {owner csz -- modified fr 30 to 34} field d24{h77} type char 25 {street} field d25{i47} type float {Size (acres)} field d28{l32} type char 20 {mod4 additional lots} field d29{l30} type char 5 {mod4 billing code} field d30{i24} type char 3 {class} field d31{l31} type char 15 {mod4 building desc} field d32{l33} type char 11 {mod4 deductions: used 4-13-99 for tenrebasmt} field d33{l34} type char 51 {mod4 exemption Class 15: 02040608t02345} field d34{h58} type long {land value} field d35{h85} type long {impr value} field d36{h76} type long {totl value} field d37{i30} type char 1 {partial asmt} field d38{l35} type char 1 {mod4 exemption1 - use for sale use code 9-18} field d39{l36} type long {mod4 exemption1} field d50{i26} type char 4 {zone} field d51 type char 4 {map page} field d52 type char 8 {account number} field d53 type char 20 {land description/dimensions} field d54 type char 8 {sp tax code - was user field #1 & #2} field d56{l78} type float {last year taxes -- mod 5-20-93 bkr} field d57{l79} type float {curr year taxes -- mod 5-20-93 bkr} field d58 type char 10 {mtg acct number --- new 9-5-91} field d59{l82} type float {last year municipal -- new 3-11-93} field d60{l83} type float {curr year municipal -- new 3-11-93} field d61 type char 8 {user number -- new 3-11-93} field d62 type char 2 {hm -- new 5-20-93} field d63{l441q} type char 2 {tenant rebate flag 9-28-94 } field d64{l441p} type char 2 {tenant rebate year 9-28-94 } field d65{l28} type float {tenant reb amt 9-28-94} field d66 type char 2 {exemption1 code/years - 10-24-96 bkr} field d67 type char 20 {addl lots 2 - 10-24-96 bkr} field d68 type char 2 {exemption2 code/years - 11-07-96 bkr} field d69 type long {exemption2 - 11-07-96 bkr} field d70 type char 2 {exemption3 code/years - 11-07-96 bkr} field d71 type long {exemption3 - 11-07-96 bkr} field d72 type char 2 {exemption4 code/years - 11-07-96 bkr} field d73 type long {exemption4 - 11-07-96 bkr} field d74 type integer {sf area - 6-23-98 bkr} field d75 type char 2 {not used see d38 - 6-23-98 bkr} field d76 type char 3 {not used - 6-23-98 bkr} field d77 type char 4 {year built - 6-23-98 bkr} field d78 type char 2 {percent owned - 6-23-98 bkr} field d79 type char 4 {bldg class - 6-23-98 bkr} field d80 type char 2 {restr over-ride - 6-23-98 bkr} field d81 type char 9 {soc sec num 1 - 6-23-98 bkr} field d82 type char 9 {soc sec num 2 - 6-23-98 bkr} field d83 type char 2 {dwelling units - 6-23-98 bkr} field d84 type char 2 {comm units - 6-23-98 bkr} field d85 type char 6 {sp tax code 3,4 - 6-23-98 bkr} field d86 type char 5 {census tract - 6-23-98 bkr} field d87 type char 4 {census block - 6-23-98 bkr} field d3s type integer {seniors - 6-23-98 bkr} field d3v type integer {vet - 6-23-98 bkr} field d3w type integer {deductions - 6-23-98 bkr} field d3r type integer {deductions - 6-23-98 bkr} field d3d type integer {deductions - 6-23-98 bkr} field d3o type integer {number of owners - 6-23-98 bkr} field d3a type long {deduction amount - 6-23-98 bkr} end { id bl bls date rem sale grantor book page price nu ratio sent fields action print posted printed year owner street csz street size addl-lots bank-code class bldg-desc deduction exemption land impr totl partial e1 e1 zone map acct lot-desc sptax last-yrtax curr-yrtax mtgacct lastyearmuni curryearmuni usernumber hm rebateflag rebateyear rebamt abatementcode addllots2 e2 e2 e3 e3 e4 e4 sfarea salecode notused yearbuilt percentowned bldgclass restrover ssn1 ssn2 units comunits sptax3-4 tract block seniors vet ded ded ded owners deductionamount }